
Visit Gratteri

Vacanza-lavoro in Sicilia- wok vacation in Sicily

Work vacation in Gratteri: a multicultural environment

As summer draws to a close, we can’t help but reflect on how special this season has been, thanks to the contribution of some exceptional young people. Amina and Alex from the United States, Gabriel and Indaiá from Brazil, and Nicolás from Uruguay chose to spend a month in Gratteri to help promote our beloved town and its wonders!

Upon arriving in Gratteri thanks to the hospitality of Gratteri Holiday, the team immediately embraced our mission with enthusiasm and dedication. Their main task was to introduce Gratteri and its beauties to the world, but their experience went far beyond mere promotional activities.

In addition to working tirelessly to highlight our town on social media and actively participating in the organization of summer events, they had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Sicilian culture, explore the surroundings, and fall in love with our land. They lived each day with curiosity and passion, discovering not only the natural beauty but also the hospitality and cultural richness of Gratteri and Sicily.

This experience was not only valuable for them but also for all of us who had the pleasure of knowing and working with them. That’s why we are happy to announce that this project will return next year, offering new opportunities for cultural exchange and collaboration. We can’t wait to welcome new and old friends and continue to promote Gratteri with the same enthusiasm as always.

A huge thank you to Amina, Alex, Gabriel, Indaiá, and Nicolás for your commitment, energy, and the wonderful atmosphere you created. Thank you for making this summer unforgettable!

For info:

Proceed to the contact page to send us a message.

Stories and archival research:
(+39) 328 8682321
Guided visits and tours:
(+39) 351 088 8754
Advertising and marketing: 328 4224247
Housing showcase portal: 371 37643697

